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Artist Statement

Besides zodiacs that rely on constellations to predict your personality, there is a set diagram that digs into a more psychological way of who we are. 

While taking graphic design elements into account,

I based my work off of researching the Enneagram of personality. Enneagram comes from the Greek words "ennea" and "grammos," which roughly translates to “nine diagram.” It refers to the nine basic, interconnected personality types.

By learning about these basic types, you will find your inner-most motivations, inner-most fears, and the super ego message of why we do what we do at a mental[ity] level. 

Beyond creating aesthetically pleasing works,

I carefully researched and selected suitable figures to reference from. By picking known figures, the viewer will easily identify and compare/contrast who they are in terms of personality. By making it less obvious, I rendered simple shape and line elements for each figure so as not to give away the central character. The typography describes each personality type.

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